Common settings: conditions

On almost every editing screen, you will encounter the "Setting Conditions" feature, which applies to characters' missions, phases, text, clues, rooms, and game flow. Familiarize yourself with the types and meanings of these conditions to set them appropriately.

Types and Meanings of Conditions

New Design

Major CategorySuffixMeaning

Phase Progress

During ~

Texts and BGM are displayed or played only during the relevant phase Clues are distributed during the relevant phase and remain unless collected

Not during ~

Texts and BGM are displayed or played only when the relevant phase is not in progress Clues are distributed when the phase is not in progress and remain unless collected

~ has started

Texts, clues, and BGM are displayed or played from the start of the phase until they are stopped

~ has ended

Texts, clues, and BGM are displayed or played immediately after the phase ends until they are stopped

~ was not stepped on

Indicates that a certain phase has not yet been reached or a certain route among multiple routes has not been taken

Voting Results

~ got the most votes in ○

Literally as stated

~ got the most votes alone in ○

Literally as stated

Voting Action

□ voted for ~ in ○

Focuses not on vote tallying but on specifying individual voting targets, differing from the above two


□ revealed △

The clue is publicly revealed

□ possesses △

The clue is possessed (not just viewable)

□ viewed △

Among clues that are neither publicly revealed nor possessed, those that have been viewed (shown by someone or originally possessed and then transferred)

Call Room

Only while □ is in ◇

Texts and BGM are displayed or played only while in the specific room Clues are distributed while in the room and remain unless collected


~ has started

At any point after the start of the reading

Action Action

□ executed ▽

Whether the action execution button has been pressed or not

Furthermore, the new design includes numerical comparison conditions as follows.

TypeItem to CompareComparison Target

Votes Count

Number of votes for any option in any voting phase

Any number

Number of votes for any other option in the same voting phase

Action Execution Count

How many times any character has executed any action

Any number

Token Possession Count

Number of tokens a particular character possesses

Any number

Number of tokens a specific character possesses

Phase Loop Count

How many times a particular phase has been passed

Any number

Condition Groups

In some settings, you can also use condition groups. With condition groups, you can set complex conditions using 'and' and 'or'.

To change to a condition group, add the condition as usual and then click the '...' that appears in the top right corner of the condition. If clicking '...' does not suggest changes, condition groups are not available.

Currently, condition groups can be set up to three levels.

Old Design

Note that the contents are generally the same, but old and new designs coexist.

Here are the 8 types of conditions that can be set. For every 'during ~', a 'not during ~' condition can also be used, and similarly for 'when ~' and 'when not ~'.

ItemBasic ContentOther

Only during a specific phase

Texts and rooms are displayed only during that phase and disappear once the phase ends.

Clues can only be obtained during that phase and once obtained remain in hand.

Has reached a specific phase

Distribution and display apply from the moment that phase begins.

Distribution and display continue even after the phase.

A specific phase has ended

Distribution and display start after the phase ends.

Suitable for read-through distribution.

A certain option has the most votes

Both sole majority and tie majority can be selected, mainly used for branching processes.

Tie majority means 'considered the most even in a tie'.

A certain character has voted for a certain option

Literally as stated. Used for branching processes and distribution of information.

Also plays a role in achieving detective missions.

A certain character possesses a certain clue

Literally as stated. Used for determining additional information distribution.

Also plays a role in achieving collection missions.

A certain character is in a certain room

Conditions can be based on whether a character is in a specific call room.


Character conditions

You can select the characters to apply conditions to using checkboxes.


and (and) Please understand it in a mathematical sense of 'happening simultaneously' or 'both being fulfilled'. It's not just a simple 'and' like A&B.

or (or) Refers to 'if either occurs'.

Last updated