List of feature updates

Upcoming Feature Updates

  • Currently in preparation

June 2024

  • Added puzzle-solving templates and single-player templates

May 2024

April 2024

  • Multiple votes can now be cast under specific conditions in the voting phase

  • You can now change the nickname and icon of characters during the scenario

March 2024

  • You can now create multiple types of tokens

  • Multiple answers can now be set for password actions

  • Scenario tags can now be set directly from Uzu Studio

February 2024

  • "Someone" condition can now be set

  • Numerical comparisons can now be made in conditions. Learn more here

January 2024

  • The number of color themes expanded from 2 to 9 (1/12). More details here

  • The title of the main room can now be changed with condition settings (1/17)

  • Background images can now be set (1/31). More details here

December 2023

  • Added free-response actions (e.g., players can input any text to obtain a clue) (12/7)

  • Added the ability to toggle text display based on conditions (12/15)

  • Added the ability to retrieve already-distributed clues (12/19)

November 2023

  • Composite conditions using AND/OR are now possible (11/1)

    • You can now set up to three levels of AND/OR conditions for more complex branching

  • Added token investigation feature (11/14)

    • Implement investigations using tokens to draw clues from decks

  • Released player count-specific templates (11/20)

October 2023

  • Clue distribution settings updated (10/6)

  • You can now select "someone" for clue distribution conditions (10/20)

    • Allows easier setup for distributing clues to specific characters based on their choices

September 2023

  • Improved clarity of error messages during functionality checks and version creation (9/1)

    • One-click navigation to error locations for easier fixes

  • Dark mode setting introduced (9/5)

    • New theme colors suitable for horror and serious scenarios

  • Added an option to prevent duplicate voting for the same choices (9/7)

    • Limits players from investigating the same location as others

  • Added an option to display the existence of undisclosed clues to non-owners (9/7)

    • Shows the "backside" of a card to others

  • You can now double-click to navigate to a specific phase from the phase progression settings screen (9/7)

  • Added a "Proceed to Next Phase" button for moving to the next phase (applies to all players) during functionality checks (9/22)

August 2023

  • Server enhancements improved speed (8/2)

  • Major redesign (8/3)

  • Phases, texts, characters, and clues can now be rearranged (8/3)

  • Added an easier-to-use separator feature (8/9)

  • Option to display voting results in the epilogue screen (8/9)

  • Official guide released (8/14)

  • Mobile editing support introduced (8/24)

July 2023

  • Priority order of phase transitions can now be rearranged (7/31)

  • You can now easily switch between basic and conditional transitions (7/31)

June 2023

  • Uzu Studio v2 Released (6/29)

Last updated