Detailed review for paid works

This is a mandatory review process when publishing your work for a fee on Uz.

Review and Release Process

1. Review Submission_Creator

Click the "Submit for Public Release" button on the " Release Management " page in Uz Studio. A review submission form will open. Select "Yes" under "Do you wish to release for a fee?" and fill out the required information before submitting.

2. Pre-check_Uz Studio Editorial Team

We will confirm whether you have conducted at least three test plays.

※ At least one test play on Uz, and a total of three including external tests.

※ This does not apply if a work previously available for free is transitioning to paid. For more details, please refer to the Q&A.

3. Review_Uz Studio Editorial Team

Based on the information in the review submission form, we will check the entire scenario content in the editorial interface and operational check screens of Uz Studio.

4. Return_Uz Studio Editorial Team

We will return one of three results along with feedback: "Pass", "Revise and Resubmit", or "Insufficient Quality". Communication will be done via individual channels on Uz Studio's official Discord server.

※ The review period from submission to the first feedback is 3 business days (excluding weekends and holidays).

(5. Revision & Resubmission_Creator)

If you receive "Revise and Resubmit" or "Insufficient Quality", please correct the indicated issues and resubmit (return to step 1).

6. Preparation for Publication

After passing the review, preparations for publication will proceed in the individual channels on Uz Studio's official Discord server. You will be asked to provide the following information in a publication preparation form:

  • Desired Publication Date: You may request a date that doesn’t overlap with other works or announcements.

  • Scenario Overview for posting via the Uz official account:

    • Title

    • Author name: Co-authorship is also allowed.

    • Number of players

    • Playtime

    • Synopsis

  • Play Fee:

    • If you wish to have a sale: the price and the period.

    • If it's a co-production: the percentage distribution.

  • Scenario Tendency Tags to be displayed in the app.

7. Publication

At 18:00 on the confirmed publication date, a post about the work's release will be made by the Uz official account, and the work will be released on the Uz app.

The entire process from step 1 to step 7 takes approximately one week on average.

Detailed Review Contents and Criteria

◆Test Play: Confirmed in the Form

Whether test plays have been properly conducted and utilized

  • Have at least three test plays been conducted? (At least one on Uz and a total of three including external tests)

  • Have test play surveys been collected? (Including those from external test plays)

  • Have the issues pointed out in the surveys been resolved through corrections?

◆Key Points of the Work: Confirmed in the Form

  • What parts of the scenario show particular care or enjoyment?

  • Are the characters individually interesting?

  • Do the desired tags match the content?

◆Preliminary Information: Confirmed by Uz Studio

Scenario Tendency, Warnings, Synopsis, and Author Comments

  • Is the information sufficient?

  • Is there no inconsistency between the scenario content and the description?

  • If there are warnings, are they included?

Key Visual

◆Scenario Content: Confirmed by Uz Studio

Phase Progression and Settings

  • Are there any mistakes in the phase progression?

  • Are the instructions for how to play appropriate?

  • Are settings like secret talks correctly implemented?

  • Are there no setting errors in the materials?

  • Are the ending branches correct?


  • Are there any typos or misspellings?

  • Are difficult kanji properly annotated with furigana?

  • Are there no fatal inconsistencies in the text that impair the experience?

  • Is there sufficient readability in terms of uniform indentation and line breaks?

  • Are there no errors in markdown syntax?

True Scenario Text

  • For Murder Mystery: Are the reasoning clues and explanations written in detail in addition to the truth?

  • For Story Playing: Are necessary explanations about the mysteries or world in the story provided?

  • For Puzzle Solving: Is there sufficient explanation on how to solve the puzzles and the correct answers?


  • Is the BGM not too loud or too quiet?

  • Are there no mistakes in BGM settings?

Items to Submit for First-Time Submission

1. Test Play Survey Results

We will share a "Test Play Survey (Google Form)" with anyone creating a scenario for Uz.

Please check the " How to Use the Test Play Survey " for more details.

During the test play period, collect the survey results via Google Form, and submit them in Google Sheets format.

2. Key Points of the Work

Please describe the parts of the scenario you focused on, as well as the highlights and interesting aspects of each character.

3. Desired Price & Tags

These do not affect whether you pass the review. However, we may suggest adjustments if we believe other options are more suitable.

Items to Submit for Resubmission

Corrected and Uncorrected Points and Their Reasons

If resubmission is required, we will send feedback on the areas that need corrections based on the initial review. You will need to adjust and correct based on this feedback and fill out the resubmission section in the form.


If you still have questions after reading the following content, please mention "@Editorial Team" in the "Questions & Requests" text channel on the Discord server.

Do I need to pass the detailed review even for works that I wish to release for free?

Works that are to be released for free do not need to go through the detailed review. We will continue to conduct a simplified review as before.

Is it possible to publish a work for free initially and switch to paid later after passing the detailed review?

Paid scenarios released after detailed review are intended for paid publication, so only sales are allowed. If you wish to run a sale, please indicate this in the free text section of the review submission form, such as "Sale at n coins until m/d".

What should I do if I want to monetize a work that was previously released for free or initially planned to be free?

This policy only applies if the work was originally released with no intention of monetizing. If you intend to monetize, please submit it for detailed review for paid works from the beginning.

Reposting or new scenario listing cannot be done after monetization, so transitioning to a paid work later has limited benefits. We recommend starting as a paid release.

Select "Yes" for the option to monetize from the review submission form and submit it for detailed review.

  • For v1 works: Click "Submit Work" → "Under Review" to open the review submission form.

  • For v2 works: From the " Release Management " screen in Uz Studio, click "Submit for Monetization" to proceed to the review submission form.

As mentioned earlier, there is a section to submit test play survey results in the detailed review, but for works transitioning to paid after release, the process is as follows:

  • If no surveys were collected during pre-release test plays You do not need to attach survey results when submitting for detailed review. We will refer to post-release data.

  • If surveys were collected during pre-release test plays Please attach the survey results when submitting for detailed review.

How should I handle test plays and survey collection for works already sold outside Uz?

Test plays must be conducted at least three times, including at least one on Uz.

Example ①: You conducted three or more test plays before external sales → After implementation on Uz, conduct at least one test play using Uz and collect surveys. If fewer than three surveys are collected on Uz, you may retroactively collect surveys from external test plays.

Example ②: You conducted one test play before external sales → After implementation on Uz, conduct at least two more test plays, bringing the total to three. Survey collection follows the same process as Example ①.

Last updated