Process from creation to release

① On the scenario list screen of Uz Studio, click "Create New Scenario."

Edit the content of your scenario.

③ Click "Create Latest Version" from the button in the top-right corner of the editor.

④ Conduct a test play and make any necessary adjustments. For works intended for paid release, be sure to collect survey responses during the test play.

⑤ From the " Release Management " screen in Uz Studio, click the "Submit for App Listing" button and complete the submission form to submit your work for review.

※ You can continue to make edits to the scenario content even after submitting it for review, but the review will be based on the content in Uz Studio at the time the reviewer checks it.

⑥ The Uz Studio Editorial Team will review your work. The simplified review (for free works) takes 1–2 business days excluding weekends and holidays, while the detailed review (for paid works) takes about 3 business days excluding weekends and holidays. In the detailed review, you may be asked to resubmit your work after correcting the pointed-out issues. Check the business days here.

⑦ You will receive a notification of review completion in your individual channel on Uz Studio's official Discord server.

⑧ Fill out the form to prepare for publication on the Uz app. The form will ask for the following details:

  • Desired publication date: You may request a date that doesn’t overlap with other works or announcements.

  • Scenario overview for posting via the Uz official account:

    • Title

    • Author name: Co-authorship is also allowed.

    • Number of players

    • Playtime

    • Synopsis

  • (For paid releases) Play fee:

    • If you wish to have a sale: the price and the period.

    • If it's a co-production: the percentage distribution.

  • Scenario tendency tags to be displayed in the app.

⑨ At 18:00 on the confirmed publication date, a post about the work’s release will be made by the Uz official account, and the work will be released on the Uz app.

The shortest time from step ⑥ to ⑨ is 1 day, with the average being about a week.

Last updated